We woke up in a beautiful sunning morning...
While waiting for the old and young to get themselves ready for breakfast, I took time to admire the surrounding for a while...
Then, we carried all of the luggage to our car, ready to drive on after breakfast.
Take a last look at the chalet that we have put a night on.
Walking towards the restaurant that serves breakfast..
William's creative creation, cute.
A big applause to the trip manager. As pass year did, he had made the trip wonderfully.Thanks so much honey.
There is no other people around but the 4 of us, a perfect chance to take a family photo.
A good family photo in a homely environment. I like it.
Ok, time to go now. I checked my watch, it's around 10 am.
Husband said we should arrive Milan airport at around 12.30 pm if everything goes well.
Having nothing to do, I took photos along the journey....
Leaving the town finally...Bye.
Driving on the express way.

Yupp...going east to home
Looking to the sky, my heart started to fly high already.
Home, is our final destination.