
The end of a journey is only the beginning of bigger ones to come. Where will we be going next year???
The above was not written by me...
Captain had promised to write the closing of the trip for me.
I waited, 1 month had passed...2 month had passed...3 month had passed, but nothing happened. End up, I gave up. Then this afternoon, suddenly he called me, asked me the way to log in to finish up his unfinished business. So, today, I gonna to check if the sun had gone down at the east.
Lastly, I'm glad he put our happiness at the top priority. For this, thank you.
Hi KS. First time u writing woh! It was nice watching u guys travelling here and there and really, will pay u guys a visit if we visit HK next time, OK?
Thanks CY.
Do visit us when you drop by HK next time.
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