I think probably it's 1o years ago...long before the kids were born. I always wanted to visit this place again, because this place is so unlike HONG KONG.

In contrast to Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, this place is peaceful and tranquil, with relatively natural scenery. Lamma provides an alternative to the hectic life in the city.

Sampan Seafood, the most prominent restaurant in Yung Shue Wan. We had taken our lunch here the last time we went to Lamma Island.

The boys probably would have bottom up all the brown sugar, if we didn't stop them.

It looks like my grandmother's house, though I don't remember what's my grandmother's house looked like.

My mood will always be elevated when I see food-stop, especially in a remote place. That means foods are available fast enough when I need them.
When passing my normal meal time to certain extent, I will feel an unbearable hunger, follow by cold sweating and head spinning (typical symptoms of drastic drop in blood sugar level). Husband likes to tease me that I will be the first who can't survive a disaster. Bugger !!

20 minutes later, we reached Hung Shing Yeh beach

The beach is quite rugged...definitely the boys' cup of tea.

While they were playing, husband and I sat under a tree, safe guiding our belongings while keeping an eyes on them. How fun !

Son's catch. He was totally fascinated with those walking creatures he can catch by hands.

Husband grabbed him immediately and rushed to the nearby first-aid station. I couldn't follow them as there are clothes, bags, shoes etc that I have to look after for. Boy, I was so worried about his wound. After a few minutes, I called husband. He told me not to worry cause it wasn't a deep cut, just a scratch on the skin's surface. Luckily.

Oh yeah, we have to buy a short pants for him to continue the walk. How convenient.
Counted from Hung Shing Ye Beach, it said one need to walk for 50 minutes to reach Sok Kwu Wan. Well, experience told us we should multiply this time by a factor of 1.5-2, mean we will take around 75 - 110 min before we can be there.

End up, he finished his small business here.

Sok Kwu Wan can be seen from far. Yeah, just need to walk to the other side of the hill will do.

I think they just felt curious to one another.

I chatted with the woman for a while. Later, I bought 1 catty of Chinese lettuce and 1 catty of choy-sum from her. It only cost me HKD32, almost 50% cheaper than the organic vegie I buy from grocery stores.
Sons asked : what's the thing inside there?
Husband said : Japanese soldier used to hide inside the cave during World War II. So probably there are guns, dynamites inside there.
The three of us : really? (like an idiot !)

Another 15 min passed, we continued to walk some more...

We felt the trip won't be completed perfectly without taking a proper seafood dinner here. After a quick searching, we end up settled down in this Rainbow Seafood Restaurant.

The ferry departed at 5.40 pm, and we reached home around 8 pm.
Feeling exhausted, but I couldn't resist the tempation to cook the fresh vegie that we've just bought from Lamma Island. After a quick cleaning, cutting, cooking, finally the dish was done. I swear those fresh vegie tastes super duber yummy.
I felt absolutely content with this trip !!