Several weeks ago, I happened to read from a papers that the government is promoting a new tourist attraction, called Hong Kong National Geopark. In fact, HK Geopark was officially opened in 3-Nov-2009.
Great ! Finally, someone had aware that the international image of HK does not have to be just a city with many buildings but can also be a natural and healthy international metropolis.

A geopark is an unique natural area with special geological significance and natural and cultural landscapes, and serves the 3 objectives of conservation, education and sustainable development.

The High Island Reservoir (萬宜水庫) is the largest reservoir in HK. It was opened in 1978 helping to alleviate water shortage problems in Hong Kong. Its water capacity is approximately 273 million cubic metres.
On the opposite site of the reservoir is this seafront.


By the time we were there too, the boys have been playing there all so happily for quite some time, with no one nagging them around.

Saw a mysterious hole at the end there. Naturally, we wanted to go near there to check it out.

At that side, he even suggested we should have gone to the other side by taking this shortest cut of all. Crazy...


The world's foremost hexagonal columnar was found here, in HK.


Whenever there was an eruption, great lava flows gushed out along with scorching volcanic ash. They spread across the ground surface and formed lava layers. During the cooling period, the rock contracted very uniformly and gave rise to the marvelous hexagonal columnar joints seen today.

About 400 metres thick, these rocks are known as High Island Formation. They are part of the Early Cretaceous Kau Sai Chau Volcanic Group.




We walked at the lower deck just now...and we would walked at the upper deck later on...

Unfortunately, the call center said there wasn't any taxi driver available at that time. Gosh, all we could do was to continue to call the center like crazy. 30 minutes passed, but still our call to no avail.
We were getting frantically panic when the sky had turned completely dark at 6 pm, and we were the last few person who still waited there. Finally, husband raised the price to HKD100 in order to lure the driver come (normal rate is HKD65). Finally, he managed to get a driver commited to come in 20 minutes time. It was such a relief !!

Finally, I took a picture for son under this Christmas tree, after he bugged me for several times.
It's great to be home, safe and sound.
It's great to be home, safe and sound.
all men memang like to go into holes...hehe..
Dua: you look tercantik skali.
Tiga: ask why donald tsang here mah..
Empat: yuen loi got moral behind the story geh. that is, to book a taxi early early on the return journey.
satu : so
dua : terima kasih
tiga : i'm so takut dia punya body guide lo
empat : yeah, now we know.
A nice new place to explore at HK. Wow... luckily you guys get fetched back home safe and sound, the reservoir should be too new for taxi to frequent huh...
nah, the reservoir is not a new place.
But it's quite remote, so I think the taxi driver will only go there by order.
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