This year Christmas, we didn't go to anywhere far...despite we wanted to at the beginning. Well, guess we were not determined enough and worked it hard to anywhere though.
On the Christmas day, I woke up late at around 9.30 am. When I was brushing my teeth, suddenly this idea flashed across my mind : Go get the strawberry...Ok, when the mind tells you to do that, why not?
After taking a simple breakfast, we checked the internet for the exact location and then we departed at noon time.



William picked it a bit too fast. Within a short time, the basket is almost half full.

And some of the strawberries doesn't shape like a strawberry. Other than that, they are nothing indifferent.

Also, we reserved some strawberries for a friend who we would go to her place for steamboat dinner on the next day. Those are the remaining for the 4 of us.
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