The owner told us the prawns like to stick at the corner or near wall area. No wonder everyone was putting their rod near the wall side.

We then put the prawns into the net. From time to time, son would check if the prawns have escaped.
Son's want-to-touch-but-scare look.
Oh, I've just noticed Vincent was playing with the eerie worm (from this picture). He has no fear with small animals, can be the bravest among us.

Anyway, prawning is fun, especially after I have got my 1st catch myself too. Actually, I have got another 2 prawns stuck on the hook, but they managed to free themselves before I pull them over.

When the time was due (RM 12.5 for 1 hr), we brought home 5 prawns. After reached home that night, I've done something I didn't do for many years, I killed the live prawns and cooked them. The feeling was not good, don't think I will want to do it next time.
wow... so you went for the prawning, at least you guys have tried it out, something fun I guess :)
yeah, it's fun.
But only when you can get at least 1 prawn before times up.
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