On the 6th day, we started to worry about the weather as forecast was getting not so promising.
In that morning, we saw some clouds on the sky, but no sign of raining yet. So, we considered it a good weather and proceed with our plan for the day.
We would go up to a mountain again. As usual, the scenery along the way is totally refreshing and eyes soothing.
That's Switzerland, an expensive country to live in, yet worth it.
I used to describe Switzerland as a heaven when my Swiss customer came to visit me last time. He agreed, but he said the people need to work extra hard if compare to the other European countries, in order to continue to live in this heavenly land. I think I've got him now.
About 30 minutes later, we reached our destination.
We parked our car at a road side parking lot. When husband was putting money in the meter, I gave a shot of the boys posing in front of our rented car.
It's a Monday, guess that's why the street was not crowded. Just like my customer said, everyone need to work hard to maintain their living here.

Walking on the main street of Grindelward village.
Clean and nice....

Soon, we were at the foot of the Grindelwald-First Cable Car Station.

In Switzerland, apple trees are the most commonly seen tree in people's front yard. I love apples, and thus, I envy them for this.
I felt very tempting to reach out my hand and plug one for myself. But sons said this would be "stealing", so I must not do it without permission. Sometimes, we really are not as good behave as kids do.
Besides the apple trees, I also love the colors of their front yard.

Looking at their houses, I think Swiss people are generally very neat.
It's a good way to jot down the name of a place in this way.
I looked around while waiting for husband to go to buy the tickets for us....
There is a unique all year round attraction, called Fist Flyer. It gives 4 persons the opportunity to simultaneously and independently of each other to glide along a long cable through the air, for a distance of about 800 m, at the speeds up to 80 km / hr. The basic requirement is minimum weight must exceed 35 kg and maximum weight is 125 kg. All of us are qualified but William.
When husband planned for this tour, he had asked us if we dare to play this flyer. Only Vincent had raised his hands at that time. Now then, I stood here, looking at this advertisement board and imagining myself flying this way had made my adrenaline rush already.
Although Vincent wanted to try, we had to refuse him cause we really don't feel safe to let him playing this alone. He didn't insist though.
My sunshine #1

My sunshine #2
Soon later, we boarded on this gondola. Centerpiece of the Firstbarn is the 6-seat gondola train, which rides from Grindelwald to First Mountain, via 2 intermediate station, Bort and Schreckfeld.
The whole ride will take about 20 minutes.
A hotel as viewed from the top.
It's great to see the houses from a little above their roof top.
First is a mountain on the sunny side of Gridelwald valley. It is a skiing area in the winter time, with a great selection of winter hiking tracks. In the summer time, the First area is a hiking paradise and also a great area for bikers.
Reaching the 1st intermediate station, Bort. We didn't get off the gondola but continue the ride....
Sons' eyes was sparkling when they saw this big playground passed by our gondola. We promised we would take them here later on.
When we reach the upper station after 25 min ride to an elevation of 2168 m, we get to see the spectacular views of the Grindelwald Basin, and several famous mountains. Among them are the Wetterhorn, Eiger, Fiescherhorner and Schreckhorn.
Going up some more....
Reaching the 2nd intermediate station at Schreckfeld, we skipped this station too.
So, we continue our ride to the top, First.
First station is just on the hill top over there.
In summer time, there is no snow at this elevation.
Swiss cows can be seen everywhere in Switzerland.
Ok, finally we arrived at the First station.
First Station with snow mountain as the backdrop.

As usual, the cows were munching their grass heavenly.
Sons with Swiss cows.
The Grindelwald First area has around 100 km of picturesque hiking trails. It's an ideal starting point for exploring the mountain world and the extensive plant and moor landscapes.

Since we have a long distance hiking 2 days later, we didn't want to do any here. Furthermore, it's too hot for hiking that day.

There seems to be a restaurant at the very far side....I think we need to walk probably 1-2 hours to go there.
We walked up a little bit to get more panorama view of the area.

Out of a sudden, there came a huge crowds of birds swirling above the sky over there....must be over thousands of them.
It's a magnificent view indeed...
We stood here and watch the birds crowds till they spread away....
Awesome !!
Sons were happy playing with the stones up there. In fact, anywhere with a lots of stones and water will be a good place for them.

After a while, we decided to go down to the 1st intermediate station for some fun activities of the day.
Before leaving....
Yo, let's go.
A long walk this would be.
I wonder if cars can go up to this place?
As we have promised, we took the boys to this playground at Bort.
This playground offers a variety of great options for all 'children' age from 1-99.

Vincent ran straight to this when they saw it.....
Later on, his little brother joined him too.
I guess they like this because it's not common to find this in HK's playground.
This trampoline is also right for me too...I bounced on it, trying to do all sort of silly, disgraceful gestures which I capable to do, that made my camera man laughed till his tummy get ache.
When William was playing swing, he deliberately asked me to must take this shot for him. Well, here it is, son.
Like I've said before, stones and water is their all time favorite....they started to move the stones to block the water from flowing smoothly again, we called it the dam project.
When William get bored of the dam project, he started to challenge those ropes instead.
He was very determined to want to complete this circle of ropes. Sure I'll support him.
I followed him, and find that this is not as easy as I thought.
He needs to balance himself very well in order to pass though 1 point to the other.
Also, needs a lot of courage...
He had to repeat 3X on this, before he could pass this successfully.
Almost to the end...
Yes, he made it to the end point. Good job, son.
After 1 hour or so, we have to make them leave this playground. Husband told them we have 1 more fun activity for them to play so.
We walked back to the Bort station and hired 4 trotti-bike (scooter bike) to roll down the hill....
After a short practice, we were all ready to go...
This scooter bike adventure is the greatest fun for all the family. It can roll us down the asphalt road back down to Grindelwald.
As we rolled down, I experienced a total-body adrenaline rush. The well-groomed slopes made me feel as if I was flying overland on skis. At the same time, I was worrying about the boys too, though they were doing quite well all the way.
Just that the end part is quite dangerous as we have to go side by side with the cars that was coming to our direction, plus there are many turns there. All this had really made me freaking worried about the safety of the boys. Thank god we all go down the hill safe and sound.
Apart from this, the ride was a fantastic one.
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