We had celebrated the end of 2012 with a short getaway in ShenZhen, a fairly simple & easy trip to all of us. It's good to husband cause he didn't need to spend a lot of time in searching for the information before departure.
The most time consuming part for husband was to look for a suitable hotel which can fit the 4 of us comfortably. After some time, he had settled with a deal offered by Grand Mercure Hotel in ZhuZhiLin.
We arrived at the hotel at around 10.30 am on Day 1. It's a pleasant surprise to see a very big room we have got.
While waiting for LC & her family who was on the way, the boys lazed on the bed, watching TV happily.
Looking out from the window, the visibility was not so good. In fact, I feel that the visibility in China has become worse to worst these years. The price they got to pay for rapid development.
The sea view outside was not so fascinating either.
Our buddies had arrive at the hotel at around 11.30 am. After they have settled down, we went to a nearby local restaurant for lunch. Speaking of foods in China, its safety is a such a headache to me, sigh.
After lunch, we hired 2 taxis to take us to Evergreen Resort, which is located in the Nanshan District of ShenZhen.
20 minutes later, we were there. The entrance ticket was not cheap, RMB 60 for adults and RMB 30 for kids. So, I hope it won't be too lousy if not good.
Nothing seems too special about the place at first...
Then, things get better and better...especially watching the kids having so much fun for themselves.
The kids were escaping from this going-to-sink ship, kind of a good practice.
I have tried to climb up too, but it's not easy at all even though I hold the rail for support. No kidding.
The fishing pond, but we didn't come for fishing.
It seems that the rain would pour on us at anytime, so we got to move on quickly.
The place that we have to skip...
cause the kids wanted to play here, and the adults have to keep an eyes on them, for various safety reasons.
That's not something he can play on everyday.
Over there was the "Forest Primary School" that we have skipped.
Instead, the kids ran to the butterfly farm.
I simply snapped this photo before entering the butterfly farm.
Inside the butterfly farm, on the ground....
There are quite some butterfly specimen inside the farm.
So, even though we didn't get to see too many butterflies flying around, looking at those specimen had made it up.
The whole gang of 8, including the camera man.
The other side of the butterfly farm.
At one corner, the farm had exhibited the 4 stages of butterfly life cycle. From egg, larva, pupa to adult.
The butterfly farm is climate controlled with 27.7℃ ambient temperature, so visitors can see the butterflies all year round.

William had spotted many dead butterflies on the ground, for example this one....
Besides the house to inserts, the farm has also become the shelter for the visitors when it rains outside...
It rained quite fiercely at that time, so we could only wait in the farm.

When the rain subsided a bit, we couldn't wait to leave the butterfly farm. William took a quick visit to the 7 dwarfs house before running off.
The kids were quite thrilled and ran off to find the giant Amazon fishes...
"Hello, fishy fishy, where are you?"

Something he saw that made him pushed me to go over as fast as I can.
Ok, he saw a dino's skeleton over there....
I know the skeleton is fake anyway, but the misty environment had made this place very mysterious though.
Finally saw those giant fishes downs there...Let's go.
On the way, there were some chickens running around. The kid's monkey noises didn't bother them at all.
There is a peacock garden, but we have skipped it due to unstable rain condition.
We took a quick look over the creatures inside the glass tank, nothing too special that I remember.
But the Chinese feed a baby crocodile in a fish tank, only they can think of it.
Then we walked to the highlight of the resort, which is the Tropical Rainforest.
"OK, OK, I'm coming...."
Finally saw those Amazon fishes. Those are called walrus fish, easily weighs more than 100kg !
My jaw dropped when I saw one of the fishes open up its month. Gosh, it can swallow my little William, no kidding.
Luckily, my little William was alright.
A very inviting entrance.
This one too.
Walking along the path into the deep jungle.
Met the fist dino in the forest, Good Boy.
More to come to greet us.
Such a close encounter, only happen in dream.
It rained all the way in the jungle. At first, I thought it was due to the bad weather. Later then I realized they purposely "make-rain" to the place. Chinese People "boleh" !!
The rain was a bit too big that we need to carry an umbrella, with no choice.
In order to take a nice photo with the dino at my back, I put down my umbrella for about 8 seconds.
Walking over the rainbow bright and look back, but I didn't see the rainbow hanging between trees.
I didn't know what's the boys reaction when they saw all these. All of them ran off too quick....

Using my imagination, this would be a very exciting world to live in.

This one will be my pet, ok.
That's it, the exit of the forest.

A small kiosk at the exit area.
The kids had waited for us at this suspension bridge, couldn't wait to walk over it.

Before I went to join them at the bridge, I spotted this Tea House located just next to the bridge. I told husband that we should come back here for a break later on.
One after one, we all walked from this end to the other end.
The reason why we all are so "brave" is because we know we won't die even though we fell down.

Also, it seems so piece of cake.

The other end of the suspensive bridge.
Then we walked to that side....

The Pottery House demonstrate the entire process of pottery making. Visitors have the opportunity to make their own pottery (¥90 / piece for adults, ¥65 / piece for children). There are little figurines in the exhibition hall and are available for purchase.
Sometimes, I wish I can be that creative to make out something so unique...
Of course, the kids are more interested to play the local "toys" than making the pottery.
They love playing those carts, that they won't want to leave even though we had pushed them for many time.....
Walking on stilts seems popular in China.

For the locals, maybe it's not difficult. But to us, it's really not easy to pick up the skills.
It took me quite some serious practice before I could walk 7-8 steps before falling down.

To my surprise, William is quite accurate in throwing.
Vincent was trying to make a big size bubbles...but not too successful.

The entrance to amphitheater.

The show was about to start...
While waiting, it's photo session again.
Every trash is transformed into musical instrument, inspires us to be creative about recycling and protecting our environment.

Rocks outside the amphitheater.
Walking in the vegetable plantation.
Cabbage, like a beautiful flower.
Brocolli, one of my favorite vegie.
The Melon Garden.
Root beet, before turning red.

The forest playground.
A lot of mosquito here.
The rolling log barrel is easy for a little mouse but difficult for us.
Log train.

The kids love this playground very much, that we need to drag them to leave the place after 40 min or so.
Before we left,we step into the Tea House for a short break, and ordered some light snack for the kids.
Overall speaking, Evergreen Resort is a better place than my expectation that it can be good choice for a day out.
Nice hotel and the Evergreen Resort looks fun too.
Wishing you & family, Gong Xi Fa Cai
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