Every year when we went back to home town for CNY holdiay, I told myself that I should take some time and go to visit my childhood's school. But I didn't make it happen though, for all sorts of reasons, or rather, excuses...
Finally, I made it happen this year. I brought hubby and sons together.

The school is still there alright, after >20 years since I left. I have a mixed feeling to see this main gate again, after all these years. Although primary section was closed, secondary section's door was widely opened for the visitors.

When I told sons that I want to take them to visit my school, they gave me some unbelievable look. It's like I was never be that young before. I think to them, I just look exactly like how I look right now, and there isn't any "Past" for me.

I looked inside, there isn't any tables or chairs in there anymore. Guess it has been used as some sort of activities room.

Oh, the door of the library, so old now. And I remember that small notice board on the wall. I forgot to go up stairs to take a look of my F3, F4 & F5 classroom after having some little distractions. Too bad.

Those little distractions include looking backwards....

and looking forwards....also, busy telling sons a little bit about my "Past".

except this greenery bushes. Glad to see those big rocks again.

This canteen wasn't there back in my time. We used to share a same canteen with the primary school section.

The steep long stair case which I used to climb up & down for several times a day.

The 2 badminton courts that I have spent many time here. I was crazy with badminton sports when I was in Remove class, F1 & F2.
In order to "book" the court, my crazy playmates and I would climb over the gate and fence after the tuition class over at 9pm something. It's simple to "book" the court, just put up the net over the court there. Strangely and truly, nobody would never, ever deny this kind of "booking". Our rules at that time, so so so simple.

I seldom stepped foot on this side though, cause these are the classrooms for "Pertanian" students, the so-called "bad student" in our times. How naive we were to have labeled other people in such a way.

I felt shocked to see the condition of the classroom though...everything is so old and broken from outside to inside, from top to bottom.

The wooden tables and chairs that we used had gone, replaced by the plastic tables and chairs instead...

I looked at those so old, so dirty tables, and I couldn't help but felt so sad about the things I saw. Can any student, enjoy studying with this table and chair?

I don't remember there is this steel gate served as the door for the classroom. Since when it has become a "prison"?

and just felt sad-sad-sad to see its condition. I then understand we, as the ex-students, should have done something to our school like my dad used to do for his school too.
Dad had donated a huge amount to his school in his life time. So did many of his classmates too. It's no wonder dad's school (the private section) can be so well-maintained and best-developed if compared to SMJK section. I'm so proud of you, dad, for you did what I didn't do.

Looking back to the memory lane in vain....

Seeing husband and sons are not so keen of my school, furthermore, it's darn hot out there. I suggested we should go then. So, going down this way will lead us back to where we came from just now.

I used to climb up and down this stair case for at least once a day too, cause tis is the way to the canteen located in primary school section.

The foyer. Met an Indian guide over there. He told me there were 20-30 ex-student like me who had came here and visited the school since the day before. Wow, wonder who they are and what's their story after leaving this school?

I looked up to those big colorful billboard. Most of them are information about the disease brought by mosquitoes.

I'm not a good-memory sort of person, but I still remember this place very well, and I also remember many incidences that took place over here.
And I certainly remember this volleyball court (cum basketball court). When I was in standard 6, I used to practice volleyball with my team mate here everyday, for the inter school competition. I was the captain of the school team.
It was really nice of you to visit your ex-school, unlike me who never bothered to make a visit at all, hahahah.
However the sight of the classrooms are very saddening. How can we call ourselves a developed country when even such basic needs are not taken care of... You must be glad your kids are not studying here.
Yes, very sad to know the basic needs in the classrom was not taken care of.
Hope some day, things will be improved a lot.
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