Before flying back to HK, we stopped by KL for 1 short day. Though short, we managed to go to sister's place for a visit. Boy, I haven't gone to her place for such a long time already, probably over 4 years.

A photo with my sister and my niece & nephew.

Sister and I was chatting casually on the sofa, watching the boys playing their game over there.

This niece is same age like Vincent, but she is way too mature if compare to him.

When I was about to leave her place at 6pm, I can't believe my eyes when I saw this....
I remember I made this artwork stitch by by stitch about 20 years ago, when I was waiting for the day to come to enter U. My my, it looks just the way it was, back it 20 years ago. Can't believe the color of the threads can last for so long....truly amazing.
Sister asked me if I would like to take it back to HK? I said I would rather it to be hang at her wall forever. Thanks sis.
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