A couple of days ago, I received a very disturbing phone call while I was working in the office.
The manager from my residential area told me that the tenant from the unit which is 3-floor below ours have filed a complaint to him in that morning. Said the construction activities which was undergoing in our unit has caused his / her crystal display fallen off and broken into pieces. Therefore, the tenant would like to seek for compensation for his / her broken crystal display.
My first reaction was of course : What the hell! Is it possible that the vibration can go through that long distance (2 unit between ours and his), and shaken off things from his / her?
Trying to stay cool, I told the manager that I would not respond to the tenant's claim without any concrete evidence. In my opinion, this can happen if only a strong earthquake was recorded at that time. Also, the tenant got to prove it that the incidence was indeed caused by the construction activities from our unit.
The manager said he will look into the matter, and we hung up.
Later, I called the contractor to report the case, and we both laughed at the end for it really sounded absurd in the real sense! Anyway, the contractor did report the case to our insurance agent to back up the claim.
A day later, the contractor told me that this kind of incidence is not something uncommon. That means it does happen from time to time. Some people, they simply will take advantage and try their "luck" to claim for the insurance when they get to know construction is somewhere around their house. And 99.9% of the time, they will not get a cent from the insurance company.
Yeah, that's the way it should be, do not treat people like "idiot" !
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